Uruguayan RNA Club
sponsored by the RNA Salon Program of the RNA SocietyWelcome!
Click here to learn about us and what we doWe are a group of scientists from different Uruguayan academic institutions. Our scientific interests are wide but related somehow to the study of RNA and its biology. As part of the RNA Salon Program sponsored by the RNA Society and Lexogen, we are organizing several academic meetings per year. Our goal is to develop a local community of RNA-centered scientists to foster our research based on a mutually-supportive and friendly environment, where science can be discussed openly and constructively. You are welcomed to join!
Recent activities:
First Congress of the Uruguayan and the Argentinian RNA Salons
Colonia del Sacramento (Uruguay), December 2 - 3, 2022
AUG1 #RNAday 2022!
Virtual seminar by Marc Halushka (Johns Hopkins Medicine) on microRNA atlases
RNAday baking competition!
The Uruguayan RNA Club
enjoying delicious RNA-themed pies and coffee
At Dr. Halushka's seminar
At the School of Science, UdelaR
Winner: the "PIWI" cake
by Dr. María Rosa García-Silva
May 17th, 2022:
Dr. Carlos Briones (CSIC, Spain) on Astrobiology & the RNA world
jointly organized with the aptamer's network and the aptamer's group of UdelaR
FEBRUARY 18th, 2022. School of Science, Universidad de la República
Federico Ariel (CONICET-Argentina), @arg_epilab: RNA-mediated regulation of gene expression: from fundamental research to sustainable agriculture
María Rosa García-Silva (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo): new roles of the piRNA machinery in colorectal cancer: potential disease biomarkers.
43 atendeed, 50% in-person, 50% virtual.
Welcome session ! Three young researchers who returned back to Uruguay after their PhD/PostDocs abroad will tell us about their work on RNA and ongoing projects. When? Friday, April 9th, 2021, 3-5 pm, VIRTUAL (ZOOM)
María Rosa García
(Institut Pasteur de Montevideo)non-canonical roles of piRNAs in Drosophila embryos
(U. de Montpellier, France)
Ignacio López
(School of Science, Universidad de la Repúblcia)Translational control of mRNAs by p53: a forgotten function
(Université Paris 7, France)
Florencia Palacios
(Institut Pasteur de Montevideo)Musashi2 is an RNA-binding protein that constitutes a potential target for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
(The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, NY, USA)
November 27, 2020: RNA symposium at the biannual meeting of the Uruguayan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SBBM, Uruguay). ANTEL auditorium, Montevideo (+ virtual)
José Tort
(School of Medicine, Universidad de la República)small RNAs in worms
Alfonso Cayota
(University Hospital, Universidad de la República & Institut Pasteur de Montevideo)tRNA-derived small RNAs
Fernanda Trovero
(Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable)What do lncRNAs do in spermatogenesis and where do they localize?
Rafel Fort
(School of Science, Universidad de la Repúiblica)Pan-Cancer chromatin analysis of the human vtRNA genes uncovers their association with cancer biology
AUGUST 6 - 7, 2020. Virtual meeting co-organized by the Uruguayan and Argentinian RNA Clubs
Uruguayan RNA Club's International Symposium, 2020
Tuesday, March 10th (2 PM - 6 PM) School of Science, Universidad de la República. Iguá 4225, Montevideo.
2 pm - 2:20: Intro & News2:20 - 3:00: K. Witwer3:15 - 3:55: N. Pinello4:10 - 4:30: Coffee break4:30 - 5:10: M. López-Lastra5:25 - 6:00: Happy Hour (at Institut Pasteur de Montevideo)Kenneth W. Witwer
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USADisrupting the miRNA abundance paradigm: implications inside and outside the cell
Natalia Pinello
Centenary Institute, University of Sydney, AustraliaRole of RNA modifications in haematopoiesis and leukaemia
Marcelo López-Lastra
Pontificia Universidad Católica de ChileHIV-1 non-canonical translation initiation, Its not all about RNA structure
Marcelo López-Lastra (Chile)
Natalia Pinello (Australia)
Kenneth W. Witwer (USA)
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